What Truely Matters in Being Human?

What Truely Matters in Being Human?

We made the decision to bring my 90-year-old mother, who is battling dementia, from Iran to California. Navigating life becomes challenging when the overseers of the family, the elders, require care. During her farewell gathering, our extended family assembled, and it was a poignant experience witnessing the beauty that unfolds when roots remain firmly planted, and people have known each other for 80-90 years.

In the midst of the celebration, I engaged in conversations with some of the elders in Tehran. They expressed a sentiment that resonated deeply — the kindness and warmth of the human heart seem to be less abundant than before. They remarked that kindness and compassion have become akin to endangered species, threatened with extinction.

This echoed a sentiment I had heard during my time in the Amazon Rainforest. Indigenous people of the Amazon conveyed to us that respect for other living beings has dwindled among humankind. In this series of blog writings, Altarstate reflects on the positive qualities of humanity. We believe that by concentrating on, discussing, and building a community around the beautiful aspects of our humanity, we play a role in preserving these qualities among us. Our aim is to ensure that the next generation remains focused on what truly matters in being human

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