About Us

Who we are:

We are a couple from Iran and New Zealand living in Canada. A psychotherapist and an artist, we are combining our love for art and spirituality. Embracing the ancient practice of altars, we find and design altar elements to serve you as a tool for your spiritual, and personal development. 

Our values:

We value awe, calm, and belonging.  We see beauty as manifestation of divine. We believe in mystery and cherish simplicity and honesty. We love our human family and appreciate the history of art and spirituality.

We don’t represent any religious group or specific tribe. We consider ourselves students of human spiritual heritage and indigenous beliefs. We believe in emotional, social and ecological awareness.

We acknowledge that our business holds its ground on many spiritual teachers through human history.

We are committed to create serene altar spaces so that you can keep the light of consciousness lit in your home.

The purpose of our business:

An Invitation to a place of intentionality in life where we hope to;

Reignite the beauty of rituals, To Repurpose the forgotten and, To Reintroduce the modern altar.

Our offerings are designed to activate the sacred pause and hold a place of calm and intentionality in your home.

Our collection:

The names of our collection series are inspired by both Buddhism and internal family system, the work of Dr. Richard Schwatrz ( https://ifs-institute.com).  IFS is a transformative tool that conceives every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts lead by a core Self. Our collection is designed to evoke and remind you of the qualities of your core Self. You can name this Self, divine sense, or a healthy Self.